clinical nursing
Matron Inbal Sikorin is the Co-Founder and Chief Nursing Officer of NiaMedic. Prior to co-founding NiaMedic, Inbal was the Head Nurse of "Hadarim" nursing home at Kibbutz Na'an. There, Inbal founded a groundbreaking Medical Cannabis program for the elderly. For almost a decade, Inbal has been a world renown pioneer and expert in the Medical Cannabis field, treating and counseling thousands of patients over the years, with a special focus on exceptional treatment methods, developing treatment protocols and data analyses. Additionally, Inbal helped develop a Palliative Care Course for medical staff - a rich and comprehensive curriculum that has changed the world view of patient care and Medical Cannabis as a treatment option in nursing homes.
2019 | Geriatrična medicina in medicinska konoplja | Povzetek |
S staranjem populacije zdravstveni sistemi in vlade vedno težje najdejo rešitv eza zmanjšanje stroškov zdravstvenega varstva in izboljšanje kakovosti življenja bolnikov. Z več kot 10-letnimi kliničnimi in raziskovalnimi izkušnjami smo kot prvi začeli zdraviti starejše odrasle s konopljo. Inbal ponuja zelo široko in zanimivo priložnost v zvezi z medicinsko konopljo in njenim delom kot del celotne zdravstvene oskrbe bolnikov.