pharmacist, researcher
Dr Dorothy H Bray is ImmunoClin’s founder with sound expertise in pharmaceutical business development, pre-clinical and clinical development for novel pharmaceuticals and functional food products. She served in several key positions at GlaxoSmithKline Glaxo Wellcome Inc, USA, Glaxo Wellcome, UK and the Wellcome Foundation, UK. Dr Bray has extensive network of collaborations with pharmaceutical companies, governments, and non-government organizations in key developed and emerging markets and is is the European Commission's Scientific Expert since 2003. She acts as a business advisor to multiple biotechnology companies. In addition to her industrial activities she served as a Member of the Scientific Staff and the Head of Scientific Business Development of The Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit in the UK, currently holds an honorary Senior Lecturer position at the Royal Free School of Medicine, University of London and serves as a reviewer for a number of scientific journals.
Industrial positions: 1993—present
ImmunoClin Corporation: Director, President and CEO since December 2013: Brand development and leadership to formulate and implement strategic plan to establish IMMUNOCLIN CORPORATION (IMCL) as a leader in personalised medicine approach providing solutions to challenges in delivering patient focussed care. Cannabis Science, Inc.: Head of Scientific Advisory Board since November 2014 (acted as Director, President and CEOfrom May 2013—May 2015): Strategic consulting, including business plan and clinical development for Company’s products, CANNABIS SCIENCE works with leading experts in drug development to develop, produce, and commercialize novel therapeutic approaches using cannabis based products with the initial focus is on the skin cancers and neurological conditions. Omnicanna Health Solutions, Inc: Board Director: May 2013—present (President and CEO from May 2013—May 2015): With the aid of scientific research, OMNICANNA Health Solutions is developing effective cannabinoid formulation-based health and wellness solutions as well as cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, and food brands.ImmunoClin Ltd: Director: 2002—present (business owner till December 2013).
Working to development personalized medicine and nutrition platform to develop novel solutions to manage ageing society. ImmunoClin's portfolio includes prognostic markers for cardiovascular and Alzheimer's diseases, novel broad-spectrum anti-infectious therapy and innovative e-biosensor to detect bacteria, viruses and small molecules. Based upon its R&D in nutrigenomics ImmunoClin is developing novel nutritional products to combat inflammatory conditions.
GlaxoSmithKline: 1993–2002: Directed large international clinical research programme in collaboration with multiple academic and commercial organizations to develop new interventions in infectious diseases including HIV Director, Clinical Development HIV, with global responsibility, GlaxoSmithKline, UK: 1998–2002 Senior Medical Strategy Head, Glaxo Wellcome, Inc: 1997–1999 Principal Clinical Research Scientist, Antivirals, Glaxo Wellcome, UK and USA: 1995–1997 Senior Clinical Research Scientist, The Wellcome Foundation, UK: 1993–1995.
Academic Research: 1979—present
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Royal Free and University College Medical School: 2002—present: Application of clinical immunology in development of pharmaceutical interventions in the area of infectious diseases Head, Scientific Business Development, The Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit: 2004–2011 Research Fellow, Clinical Immunology, Royal Free Hospital Medical School, UK: 1990–1993, Research on the role of immune system in lung pathology Royal Society Visiting Scientist, Universite de Paris-Sud, Biochimie-Biophysique, France: 1989–1990 Research Fellow, Med. Parasitology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK: 1983–1989 Research Fellow, School of Pharmacy, University of London, UK: 1982–1983 Research Assistant, ARC Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge, UK: 1981–1982 Research Fellow, Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Pharmacology, Cracow, Poland: 1979–1981.
2017 | Clinical studies with cannabis and cannabinoids | Abstract |
Co-author: Khadija Benlhassan, PhD A growing number of clinical studies indicate that cannabis or cannabinoids may have medicinal value for certain diseases and under certain conditions. In 2016 a review by Mikael A. KowaL et al., covered controlled clinical trials of the years 2010–2014 on cannabis-based medicines, which followed the reviews published by Hazekamp and Grotenhermen (2010) and by Ben Amar (2006). We have applied the same methodology as the threeprevious reviews to the period that followed – January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. A systematic search was performed in the scientific database of PubMed, which is hosted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This database contains about 20 million scientific publications from the field of life sciences and biomedical information. The search focused on clinical studies that were randomized, (double) blinded, and placebo-controlled. The key words used were: cannabis, marijuana, marihuana, hashish, cannabinoid(s), tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, THC, CBD, dronabinol, marinol, nabilone, nabiximols and Sativex. Forty-five controlled studies evaluating the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids were identified. For the final selection, only properly controlled clinical trials were retained.Pure THC and several analogs have shown significant therapeutic benefits in the relief of chronic neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting, and stimulation of appetite in cancer and AIDS. CBD (cannabidiol) emerges as another valuable cannabinoid for therapeutic purposes besides THC. Keywords: cannabinoids, cannabis, therapeutic potential, controlled clinical trial, efficacy, safety, cannabidiol. |
2017 | Clinical studies with cannabis and cannabinoids | Workshop |
2019 | Clinical studies with cannabis and cannabinoids | Abstract |
Vedno večje število kliničnih študij navaja, da imajo lahko pri nekaterih boleznih in v določenih pogojih konoplja ali kanabinoidi zdravilno vrednost. Raziskava o zdravilih na osnovi konoplje, ki so jo leta 2016 izvedli Mikael A. Kowal et al., je zajela nadzorovane klinične študije zdravil na osnovi konoplje, izvedene v letih od 2010 do 2014, ki so sledile raziskavam, ki so jih objavili Hazekamp in Grotenhermen (2010) ter Ben Amar (2006). Uporabili smo enako metodologijo kot te tri predhodne raziskave za obdobje, ki je sledilo – od 1. januarja 2015 do 31. decembra 2016. Izvedli smo sistematično iskanje v znanstveni podatkovni bazi PubMed, ki jo gosti ameriška Nacionalna medicinska knjižnica ZDA (U.S. National Library of Medicine). Ta podatkovna baza zajema okrog 20 milijonov znanstvenih publikacij s področja bioloških znanosti in biomedicinskih podatkov. Iskanje se je osredotočilo na klinične študije, ki so bile randomizirane, (dvojno) slepe in nadzorovane s placebom. Ključne besede, ki so bile uporabljene, so bile: konoplja, marihuana, hašiš, kanabinoid(i), tetrahidrokanabinol, kanabidiol, THC, CBD, dronabinol, marinol, nabilon, nabiksimoli in Sativex. Identificiranih je bilo 45 nadzorovanih študij, ki so vrednotile zdravilne učinke kanabinoidov. V končni izbor smo uvrstili le ustrezno nadzorovane klinične študije. Čisti THC in nekaj njegovih analogov je pokazalo pomembne terapevtske prednosti pri lajšanju kroničnih nevropatskih bolečin, pri slabosti in bruhanju ter pri spodbujanju teka pri bolnikih z rakom oziroma aidsom. Poleg THC se kot drug koristen kanabinoid v terapevtske namene kaže CBD (kanabidiol). Ključne besede: kanabinoidi, konoplja, terapevtski potencial, nadzorovane klinične študije, učinkovitost, varnost, kanabidiol. |